I have a Mac OS virtual machine (VM) on my Macbook Pro with M1 Pro chip. The VM was set up using Apple's sample code in https://developer.apple.com/documentation/virtualization. I wonder how I can enable an external USB microphone on it. The host can recognize and record with the microphone without a problem. The VM did recognize the microphone first time I plugged in, asked for permission, and was given permission. However, it doesn't show up on my sound setting.
Thanks. The problem is not the privacy setting which controls app access to a recognized device. The problem is that the VM doesn't recognize the external sound device (see attached screenshot below from the VM, no external microphone). The external microphone can be recognized by the host and used without a problem (host can see and use both built-in and external microphones). The built-in microphone, despite being recognized in the Sound Setting, doesn't record sound at all. I tested it without external monitor so this is not a result of the clamshell mode.