Artwork of Track is not displayed correctly when used within Button in iOS 16.1 & 16.2

Hi Apple Engineers,

I am reporting a issue that has surfaced in iOS 16.1 and iOS 16.2 beta, where when you have a long list of Tracks that are in the label of a Buttons, they are are displayed correctly.

They appear intermittently, after you scroll they disappear (placeholder is shown) and it required a state change to display the final artwork correctly

Here is code:

let tracks = [Track]

//With Issue
List(tracks) { track in
   Button {
   } label: {
      if let artwork = track.artwork {
         ArtworkImage(artwork: artwork, width: 50, height: 50)
      } else { PlaceholderView() }

//Without Issue
List(tracks) { track in
   if let artwork = track.artwork {
      ArtworkImage(artwork: artwork, width: 50, height: 50)
   } else { PlaceholderView() }

Same code works correctly on iOS 15 and also when ArtworkImage is not used inside a button.

Here is the related ticket: FB11840336

Artwork of Track is not displayed correctly when used within Button in iOS 16.1 & 16.2