Say I have an example struct in C++ that is inside dylib like this
typedef struct {
int a;
} addingTemp;
and I need to use it for a function that adds 2 together, and store it into 3rd value
void add(addingTemp a, addingTemp b, addingTemp& c) {
c.a = a.a + b.a;
how do I create the struct in swift? this is my adding library function in swift
typealias add = @convention(c) (addingTemp, addingTemp, UnsafeMutablePointer<addingTemp>) -> Void
func addLib(a : addingTemp, b: addingTemp, out: inout addingTemp) -> Void{
guard dylib != nil else {
guard let sym = dlsym(dylib, "add") else {
let f = unsafeBitCast(sym, to:add.self )
let result : Void = f(a ,b, &out)
// closeDylib()
this is my current implementation
public class addingTemp: NSObject {
public var a : CInt
init(a: CInt = 0) {
self.a = a
but it gives me memory access error, it looks like it isn't being stored properly as the type doesn't match.
DLL_PUBLIC void add(
addingTemp a,
addingTemp b,
addingTemp* c,);
the function works when I only use Int instead of addingTemp class. Also, when the C++ function is calculating, instead of a.a = 1, b.a = 1, it outputs large numbers such as a.a = 389179664 b.a = 389179344