In Swift Playgrounds on macOS, when we create a new file in .documentDirectory
given by FileManager,
we can always search for the results in e.g. ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/[project-specific]/Build/Products/Debug
I guess this location may change anytime.
I know that Xcode is not Matlab, but is there a folder / a shortcut / any place in the IDE that includes the resulting files, or even presents a live preview of created files (.csv) for easy inspection?
You can alway add
#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
print("Documents Directory:\n\(URL.documentsDirectory.path())")
somewhere in the initialization of your app code and print the path to the console.
Or use the following app for additional features the simulator should have, including access to the documents directory and the directory where the Files App stores its data.