How to measure ARM64 branch size ?

Hi, I got an error like below when building the application. However, I don't know the actual size as it doesn't occur with some code optimization settings.

ld: b(l) ARM64 branch out of range (153544076 max is +/-128MB): from +[UnityURLRequest storeRequest:taskID:] (0x00004670) to __Unwind_Resume@0x00000000 (0x09272CCC) in '+[UnityURLRequest storeRequest:taskID:]' from /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/app-ddznnkuubjszymahzwwsyvhwlyin/Build/Intermediates.noindex/

Also, this module is generated by Unity and is uncontrollable.

We can cut our module and avoid the error, but I would like to know how much to cut and how much more room is left for future development.

This is probably a better question for the Unity people.

How to measure ARM64 branch size ?