how i make List with storyboard?

how i make a List like at swiftui at storyboard? the UITableView not the same.. look image:

how i can do List like a swiftui in storyboard?

Could you post directly the images of what you get in SwiftUI and in UIKit ? That will be easier (in addition the link does not open).

That should be easy, just defining the content cell layout. But show what you want to get more details.

from left is list (swiftui) and from right is tableview (uikit) how i can make tableview like list (swiftui)?

You can do this:

  • reduce cells height:
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
  • define tableView with basic cells:

  • you get this cell with only text in storyboard

It's not the same

If I'm understanding what you're saying, you need to set the UITableView style to .insetGrouped.


It's not the same

Could you make the effort to explain ? What is exactly the difference ?

how i make List with storyboard?