In custom Instrument, how can I include the duration in a value

I have a custom Instrument with a os-signpost-interval-schema that captures a "state" string. I would like the final plot value to be <state>: <duration>, but I don't know how to get the duration into the string.

My working schema is the following, which just stores the state itself in the column:

        <title>State Interval</title>



I would like to change the expression in the column to (str-cat ?state ": " ?duration), but that fails with:

Variable '?duration' must appear in a pattern element to be used in a later expression.

I don't see any way to compute this later in the graph, lane, or plot. I've also tried explicitly creating a <duration-column>, but that doesn't seem to change anything.

The rest of the pieces include the table:


And the lane, which I would like to display as <state>: <duration> rather than just the duration:


Accepted Reply

Thank you for the question, Rob. Unfortunately, that is not currently possible.

For start time of an interval, you could bind it to a variable using tag in the start-pattern element (, but that's currently not exposed for duration.

Workaround would be to write a custom modeler, which allows you to have full control over the values. I also encourage you to file a feedback with us so that we can make this improvement – I think it's a great idea. I could certainly see that exposing duration as a variable could be quite useful in enriching the plots developers define.



  • Thanks for the answer. The link you've given is not publicly available. I think you meant rather than But I understand what you mean. FB11797677

    I'll consider whether making a custom modeler is worth the trouble here, but I understand how that would work. Thanks again.

  • Yes, you're right. Correct link is

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Thank you for the question, Rob. Unfortunately, that is not currently possible.

For start time of an interval, you could bind it to a variable using tag in the start-pattern element (, but that's currently not exposed for duration.

Workaround would be to write a custom modeler, which allows you to have full control over the values. I also encourage you to file a feedback with us so that we can make this improvement – I think it's a great idea. I could certainly see that exposing duration as a variable could be quite useful in enriching the plots developers define.



  • Thanks for the answer. The link you've given is not publicly available. I think you meant rather than But I understand what you mean. FB11797677

    I'll consider whether making a custom modeler is worth the trouble here, but I understand how that would work. Thanks again.

  • Yes, you're right. Correct link is

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