Xcode 14.1 and iOS 16.1 causing debugging issues when running from Xcode

When I updated to the new Xcode 14.1 and device to iOS version to 16.1, it is taking a long delay of 1 to 3 minutes to launch the app in the real device

I can see the below warning in console "warning: libobjc.A.dylib is being read from process memory. This indicates that LLDB could not find the on-disk shared cache for this device. This will likely reduce debugging performance."

I tried with the fix of executing the following command to clear the Device support files

rm -r ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS\ DeviceSupport.

But even after I am facing the same issue.

If we are taking the build using the option "Connect via network" the issue is even more severe, it takes 5 to 7 minutes to actually launch the app in the device

Please do the needful to fix this issue. If

Hi All,

This issue is fixed when I updated to iOS16.1.1. Seems to be some issue was there in iOS 16.1 which got fixed in 16.1.1

Xcode 14.1 and iOS 16.1 causing debugging issues when running from Xcode