Xcode keeps changing Build Settings Info.plist values on it's own

I have a project with several configurations and three targets: iOS app, WatchOS app and WatchOS Extension. I have bundle identifiers and other values in build settings set up through User-Defined Settings. When I change the version build number for the WatchOS target, Xcode changes the INFOPLIST_KEY_WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier value on it's own, from my User-Defined Setting value INFOPLIST_KEY_WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier = "${COMPANION_BUNDLE_ID}"; to INFOPLIST_KEY_WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier = static.identifier.org;

I have absolutely no idea why this happens, I have other projects with very similar setup and it doesn't happen there. It's a very undesirable behavior, as it ruins CI builds when I don't notice it and manually fix it.

Is there anything I could do to prevent Xcode to change my set values?

Xcode keeps changing Build Settings Info.plist values on it's own