sourcecontrol.Git occupies a lot of CPU resources

Hello community,

I'm an iOS developer. Got a question related to

My machine:

MacBook Pro M1 pro 2021, RAM: 16Gb, SSD: 512Gb

I've started to notice that my system randomly freezes for couple of seconds. I'v looked into ActivityMonitor and see that may use 100-200% of CPU (sometimes it may be couple of with 50-60% CPU) and that is the reason why system freezes

Quick googling give me an idea that this might be related to git account that I've lately link to my XCode. I've removed git account - no changes.

Than some stackoverflow answers suggested to disable source control syncing. This may be an acceptable solution if you work on an old machine that you want to boost up but not for new pretty powered machine.

Couple of other information: There is no much changes in my projects repo itself. This issue may appear even when you change two lines of code when you have other fewer changes Recently I've reinstalled the whole XCode and issue still persists

Question: What may be the reason that goes crazy? May it be the project itself? May it be something in the XCode settings?


This happens only with XCode 14. When run XCode 13 everything is ok

+1, seeing this in Xcode 14.1 (14B47b). I see this when I'm not doing anything related to source control as well :(

I ended up turning off Source Control under Xcode Preferences > Source Control > Enable Source Control. This happens even if I disable all the options under that, i.e. "Refresh local status automatically", "Fetch and refresh server status automatically" etc are all off.

Same. I have the same specs as you. It's driving me crazy.

here's my solution... turn off source control as described by Mougfrey, and i use github desktop app instead to do source control with github

This is still a problem in Xcode 15.

sourcecontrol.Git occupies a lot of CPU resources