Xcode 14.1: Account Authentication Failure

Since Xcode was updated to version 14.1 I see a yellow cloud in the top status bar. When I click on it, a message appears: "Account Authentication Failure - There was problem authenticating your Apple ID ([username]). Sign in again in the Accounts preference pane." I tried the following, nothing helped:

  • delete my account and sign in again in the Accounts preference pane
  • restart Xcode
  • restart the computer

I assume it's a problem with version 14.1. The problem occured immediately after the update to version 14.1.

Same issue, is this still not resolved?

I got the same issue in all Xcode 14 releases. Tried delete account and add new one back but doesn't work.

Xcode Version 14.2 same issue

Same issue, trying to get started with Apple development but there's seemingly no way to log in? It takes my password okay, then it shows a little yellow icon saying it couldn't authenticate. What gives?

Same. :(

Same for me ;-(

Same issue on 14.2

I have tried everything mentioned. Asked on Reddit, Stackoverflow, numerous dicords...

Same issue on 14.2, so I can't to test my app on my device as this issue prevents Xcode generating the signing certificate... I have a free developer account for now. Does this issue affect only free developer accounts or also paid accounts?

I found a workaround! Well, it will work if you're like me and the only reason why you upgraded Xcode is because it wouldn't recognize your device anymore (this happened to me after I upgraded my iPadOS to 16.2). Then the solution is to downgrade Xcode but with some missing files that you take from Xcode 14.2 so your previous Xcode version can recognize your device.

Here are the details: Locate Xcode (version 14.2) in the Applications folder, right click "Show package contents", navigate to Contents > Developer > Platforms > iPhoneOS.platform (or any other platform) > DeviceSupport. Then copy the folder(s) that are missing in your previous Xcode app in that same location (for me it was the "16.1" folder).

Then start the old Xcode app and it will recognize your device and you won't have that buggy 'Account Authentication Failure' anymore!

webfx23, Can you explain in more detail What to do with folders and where to copy them?

Amsterdance26: Sure! You actually found the folder "16.1" I was talking about from the Xcode 14.2 package content. All you need to do now is to copy it and paste it in your previous Xcode version that was working before (same location within the package content), and then you keep and use only that patched Xcode. It worked for me, let me know if it works for you.

webfx23, thank you so much, my friend! But I can't find folder with previous Xcode version( Where is it? On my screenshot version after last update. Can you add screenshot to your next message and write local link to folder of previous Xcode version, please?

Amsterdance26: Just select the "DeviceSupport" folder in your old Xcode app, and select "Paste item" (assuming you selected "Copy" on the "16.1" folder before). This should make a copy of that "16.1" folder from Xcode 14.2 to this old Xcode app, which is then the good one to use.

webfx23, but I can't understand, what is old version Xcode app and where located it, in applications folder I have only one Xcode app 14.2 🤷🏻‍♂️

Amsterdance26, go to this page to download a prior version of Xcode: https://xcodereleases.com. Dont choose 14.2 or 14.1 as they have this bug. I chose 13.2.1 but only because I have an old iMac (2014) and I'm stuck with macOS 11.7 (Big Sur). You can try 14.0.1 in your case. Then apply what I said and let me know if this works for you.

webfx23, It's working! Thank you very much for your help and your time! :)

Same authentication problem here. Surely 14.2 is buggy.

Same issue. I otherwise would not mind using a manually created provisioning profile but I have an xcode cloud pipeline set up.

14.2 Same issue? Any solution?

Same here. This is so frustrating

I made a clean install of Xcode today...


In 14.3 version this problem was solved.

The same problem persists for me on XCode Version 14.2 (14C18). Nothing mentioned above has worked, are there any workarounds?


Extremely frustrating that no one has even responded to this saying, "we're aware of the issue..."

Complete silence. How does Apple get away with this kind of thing? Why do we still pay what we pay for their products?

Xcode 14.1: Account Authentication Failure