In our app we have a form builder and something that has been working fine for years now crashes springboard every time without fail. The whole screen goes black with a grey spinner in the middle, and then after a little period I get put back on the home screen. In the Xcode Simulator, it doesn't crash springboard but instead the Simulator process and its child 'backboardd' end up using up all the memory in my machine until either it grinds my machine to the point its barely usable or I manually force kill the backboardd process. I really dont understand how my sandboxed app is killing springboard.
I've gone through my code and commented out bits until it stopped crashing springboard, and its something to do with calling invalidateIntrinsicContentSize of a UIView. I suspect this is not the issue and may just be some weird side affect of the real problem. I need to have that code in there, so I really can't ship a version without it easily. I really dont want to rewrite alot of my layout code here.
Because my app is not 'crashing', I'm not getting any crash logs so I really can't tell how many of my users are being affected by this.
Has anyone had an experience with anything like this? Any suggestions?
I have filed a Feedback (FB11751672), and I am hopeful that it has enough information.