how to add animation in Launch Screen

I have to added the background image and background colour in launch screen

but for user experience i need to add the loading animation in launch screen, I also used the Activity indicator View but it is not moving (not showing animation)

is there is any way to add LottieView or Rive Animation in Launch Screen

Answered by Claude31 in 734872022

AFAIK, it is not possible to animate launchscreen, which is purely static.

But you can produce the same effect:

  • create the initial launch screen
  • create an initial VC, with exactly the same content
  • animate this content
  • at the end of animation, move to next screen

See details here (objc, but independant of language):

Accepted Answer

AFAIK, it is not possible to animate launchscreen, which is purely static.

But you can produce the same effect:

  • create the initial launch screen
  • create an initial VC, with exactly the same content
  • animate this content
  • at the end of animation, move to next screen

See details here (objc, but independant of language):

oh I get it thanks👍🏻

For some reason I can't link to it but google Leo's Holy Swift website and there's an excellent post on exactly what you're looking for..

how to add animation in Launch Screen