How to measure ARM64 branch size ?

Hi, I got an error like below when application build. However, because it does not occur depending on the code optimization settings, I don't know the actual size.

ld: b(l) ARM64 branch out of range (153544076 max is +/-128MB): from +[UnityURLRequest storeRequest:taskID:] (0x00004670) to __Unwind_Resume@0x00000000 (0x09272CCC) in '+[UnityURLRequest storeRequest:taskID:]' from /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/app-ddznnkuubjszymahzwwsyvhwlyin/Build/Intermediates.noindex/

I would like to know the means of measurement so that the size after optimization does not exceed this upper limit. 


Your code produce too big object (155MB for UnityWebRequest.o) . Is this one of your module ? If yes do you use all the code inside or is there some old code or static data that can be removed ?

Thanks Ptit-Xav for your comment. This module is generated from Unity and is out of your control. We can scrape our module and avoid the error, but we want to know how much more room we have for further development.

Thank you for Ptit-Xav comments. This is a module generated by Unity, so it is uncontrollable. I can cut our code and avoid the error, but I'd like to know how much I should cut and how much room I have for further development.

Thank you for Ptit-Xav comments.

This is not our own module, but a module generated by Unity, so it is uncontrollable. We can cut our module and avoid the error, but I would like to know how much to cut and how much more room is left for future development.

How to measure ARM64 branch size ?