Can't save lots of photos in camera roll since iOS 16 (error message)

Hi there,

Since iOS 16, i am not able to save more than 10 photos (sometimes more, sometimes less) via the UIActivityController's "Saves X images" feature.

Usually, on iOS 15, i was able to retrieve all the photos in one go (by giving all the URLs to the UIActivityController) and save it to the camera roll.

But now, i have this unknown error message :

Error Domain=ALAssetsLibraryErrorDomain Code=-1 "Unknown error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unknown error, NSUnderlyingError=0x281852250 {Error Domain=PHPhotosErrorDomain Code=3301 "(null)"}}

Note that there are some DNG format photos in there (high quality) but it used to work perfectly until now.

I cannot find anything on this subject, does it ring a bell to anyone ?

If you need more infos, i am available,

Thanks in advance !


Does the same issue occur for you after updating to iOS 16.1?


Unfortunately, i still have the issue on 16.1.

Here is an error image from the issue (did not find anything on Google regarding it) :

Can't save lots of photos in camera roll since iOS 16 (error message)