Activation Predicate

If use the activations based on predicate condition in declarative management, how to valid whether is syntax is correct or wrong?

Could you show some code where you try this ?

I've been delving into the realm of time-based activation predicates through DDM. In my recent pursuits, I've been experimenting with the device's local time to evaluate a predicate expression and apply activation configurations. Is it possible to achieve this?

Our DDM currently leverages device status items and server management properties to activate predicates. These predicates come to life when the logic becomes true, initiating activations seamlessly. While the Apple Predicate Guide provides a solid foundation, I've encountered some challenges when it comes to time-based expressions. The guide covers basics such as context and numerical-based predicates, but I find myself seeking more clarity on implementing time-based logic effectively.

If any of you have insights, tips, or experiences to share regarding time-based activation predicates expressions in declarative device management, your input would be immensely valuable. I'm particularly interested in understanding practical approaches and gaining a deeper comprehension of the nuances involved.

Thank you in advance.

Activation Predicate