Xcode 14 Archive Build always crashes on iOS 11

We have crash on iOS 11 when update Xcode to newest version

Before we have deployment target iOS 10, but Xcode 14 start only iOS 11 and higher We update deployment target to iOS 11, and it always crashes.

Building iOS projects with deployment targets for the armv7, armv7s, and i386 architectures is no longer supported. (92831716)

Building for deployment to OS releases older than macOS 10.13, iOS 11, tvOS 11, and watchOS 4 is no longer supported. (92834476)

Build Settings


ошибка	17:31:53.599495+0300	backboardd	iohideventsystem_client_dispatch_properties_changed:0x10004003
ошибка	17:31:54.078986+0300	SpringBoard	Unable to get short BSD proc info for 824: No such process
ошибка	17:31:54.200619+0300	symptomsd	Attempt to add an app with insufficient id, info {
    BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 1;
    BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
    SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.vizor-apps.MobileFWDemo";
    SBApplicationStateKey = 8;
    SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 824;
    SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 8;
ошибка	17:32:03.703474+0300	backboardd	iohideventsystem_client_dispatch_properties_changed:0x10004003
ошибка	17:32:11.034254+0300	backboardd	iohideventsystem_client_dispatch_properties_changed:0x10004003
ошибка	17:32:14.480283+0300	parsecd	error getting file handle for resource: <private>
ошибка	17:32:14.492496+0300	parsecd	error reading app whitelist <private>
ошибка	17:32:21.099704+0300	backboardd	iohideventsystem_client_dispatch_properties_changed:0x10004003
ошибка	17:32:35.320318+0300	com.apple.Safari.SafeBrowsing.Service	TIC Read Status [1:0x0]: 1:57
ошибка	17:32:35.320676+0300	com.apple.Safari.SafeBrowsing.Service	TIC Read Status [1:0x0]: 1:57

Maybe someone have idea what's going on? 🙏

You must remove armv7 when targeting iOS 11 or higher. That because of end of support of 32 bits enabled processors. You can still build for ios10 with xCode 13.4 (xCode 13.4.1 has a limitation which prevent distribution)

@Ptit-Xav We move to the new version of Xcode because, because one SDK up deployment target to iOS 11, and build it at Xcode 14. That's why we moved to new version of Xcode. Remove all armv7 architecture in Build Settings, but its still crash on iOS 11.*

Xcode 14 Archive Build always crashes on iOS 11