WKInterfacePicker focus problems WatchOS 9.0

My Watch app uses WKInterfacePicker items in several places. I'm using Swift. As of WatchOS 9.0, their "focus" behavior is broken (it has behaved correctly for over two years). Nothing in the online documentation seems to indicate any change to the way focusing is supposed to work.

Calling mypicker.focus() no longer displays the green outline or caption. However, the item is focused because the crown scrolls the picker. Tapping the item does work to highlight the item. Scrolling the item using the crown (or touch screen) works, but the highlighting disappears.

Also, calling mypicker.resignFocus() doesn't always cause the item to lose focus; the crown still scrolls the list.

I have tried several Apple apps (like Alarms) that appear to have pickers where the focusing functions properly.

Nothing has changed in my code that has worked for years. The only thing that changed was updating my watch to WatchOS 9.0; and I verified that it doesn't work correctly in the current simulator, which is running WatchOS 9.0 also.

Any thoughts, folks?

  • From what I can gather, it looks like I will have to migrate from Swift (using Storyboards) to SwiftUI. Basically I think I have to completely rewrite my app. Guess I won't be making other updates for a couple of months!

    Additional question: if I recreate my Watch app to no longer include an iOS stub (my app predates watch-only apps), how will that affect updating the app in the App Store?

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Hi. Same problem here. Users who have switched to WatchOS9 no longer have the option of using the Picker.


Hi. Same problem here. Users who have switched to WatchOS9 no longer have the option of using the Picker.

For me WatchOS9.1 update fixed the issue.

Yup. WatchOS 9.1 fixed the bug!