Confusing Metal family names

I'm trying to understand why my app produces weird drawings when using Metal instead of OpenGL on an old Mac Pro 2008. The system info says it belongs to macOS GPUFamily1 v3. A 2012 MacBook Pro, for which my app works fine with Metal, belongs to GPUFamily1 macOS 1. Does the first correspond to MTLFeatureSet.macOS_GPUFamily1_v3 and the second one to MTLGPUFamily.mac1 or something else? Would the second one be MTLFeatureSet.macOS_GPUFamily1_v4 or something else?

The only commands I use for drawing are MTLRenderCommandEncoder.setVertexBytes(_:length:index:) , setFragmentTexture(_:index:) and drawPrimitives(type:vertexStart:vertexCount:). I think these are pretty basic commands that should work across all Metal versions, and the documentation doesn't say that they don't work on certain versions.

Confusing Metal family names