How To Create a Marker With Callout in MapKit SwiftUI

I have not seen a tutorial that shows a callout when a marker is clicked in the map.

Can anyone please confirm?

Weird that this feature is not included.

The callout I need is just a simple title and subtitle. That's all. Tutorials only show how to render using MapMarker, MapPin and custom MapAnnotations but these do nothing since they only show icons.

forum is lacking feature to delete? That's sad.

var body: some View { Map(coordinateRegion: $region, annotationItems: places) { place in MapMarker(coordinate: place.coordinate) } .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) }

Code is simple to show a marker. But that's it. Where does that leave callout?

How To Create a Marker With Callout in MapKit SwiftUI