I am creating XCFramework by combining archives of iOS and iOS Simulator. From Xcode 14 I observed BCSymbolMaps missing for iOS Simulator destination.
In previous Xcode versions (Xcode 13.x.x), BCSymbolMaps were generated even for iOS Simulator.
I use following command to generate archive
xcodebuild archive -workspace MySDK.xcworkspace -scheme MYSDK -sdk iphonesimulator SKIP_INSTALL=NO -archivePath build/iPhoneSimulator
BCSymbolMaps were generated for iOS target.
xcodebuild archive -workspace MySDK.xcworkspace -scheme MYSDK -sdk iphoneos SKIP_INSTALL=NO -archivePath build/iPhoneOS
Any one know about this? why Xcode 14 not generating BCSymbolMaps for simulator target, while older Xcode versions were generating BCSymbolMaps?
-Thanks in advance.