Callouts in Map Marker

Hi, does anyone have some short code to display a marker with callout? There simply is no updated documentation of it. They are either using old names or I just have not found any tutorial of it.

I only found about MapMarker, but then it only shows a pin. on the map and no callout is possible.

This is what I have

 Map(coordinateRegion: $mapRegion, showsUserLocation: true, annotationItems: markers) { marker in

Where marker.location is MarkerMap. So it displays a pin correctly, but how to add a callout and link to it?

There are so many different names that start with MK. I am not sure if those are the latest. I figure MapAnnotation, MapMarker to name a few are the latest ones.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 732453022

To use callouts, you need to implement your map using MKMapView rather than Map. We have a sample code project showing callouts on a MKMapView. We'd also love if you could file a suggestion in Feedback Assistant for Map to support callouts in the future.

Accepted Answer

To use callouts, you need to implement your map using MKMapView rather than Map. We have a sample code project showing callouts on a MKMapView. We'd also love if you could file a suggestion in Feedback Assistant for Map to support callouts in the future.

Callouts in Map Marker