Optionally load dynamic SwiftPM

I want to support iOS 12+, but also want to use a SwiftPM package that only supports iOS 13+. The SwiftPM library is dynamic, so I want to build it, copy it to Frameworks, but not link to it, and then load it at runtime on iOS 13+. The last step is not too complex:

if(@available(iOS 13, *)) {
        dlopen("MySwiftPMPackage.framework/MySwiftPMPackage", RTLD_LAZY);
        Class MySwiftPMPackageViewController = NSClassFromString(@"MySwiftPMPackageViewController");
        // create an instance of `MySwiftPMPackageViewController` and use it

This works if I add the package to my target in "General > Frameworks, Libraries..." and "Build Phases > Target Dependencies" and then remove it from "Link binary with libraries" (despite the crash there in Xcode 14 the first time I try). It will then run on iOS 12 and iOS 13+. The problem is, every time I reload the project, the library is added back to "Link binary with libraries", presumably because the package refreshes. Is there any way to prevent it from being added back there?

Optionally load dynamic SwiftPM