Xcode won't display README for Swift package

I converted an iOS framework project to a Swift Package.

Everything went smoothly and I can find and add the package to other projects. But Xcode won't display the README for the project. It only displays, "Unable to load the Read Me."

I've stripped the README down to just a header and one line of text.

I've removed the couple of extra files from the project that exist at the root level.

But I still just get the same message.

The project is located at: https://github.com/ecrichlow/IoGInfrastructure-iOS.git

I am facing same issue, "Uanable to load Read Me.", with my package. Location: https://github.com/masture/nodezoo-ios-sdk.git Did you or anybody else find the solution?

Xcode won't display README for Swift Packages on PRIVATE repos.

It's really as simple and dumb as that.

While the package manager finds and loads your package just fine from private repos, the element displaying the repo operates under the assumption that the README can be read without authentication.

Xcode won't display README for Swift package