After updating to Xcode 14 I can no longer compile my app which targets iOS 9.3. Nothing in my source changed.
The build fails because my project depends on the Swift package, that package specifically support iOS 9 as indicated in the Package.swift file:
platforms: [.macOS(.v10_11), .iOS(.v9), .tvOS(.v9), .watchOS(.v2)],
However, when I build my app it fails with the following error:
URL+Encode.swift:2:8: error build: Compiling for iOS 9.3, but module 'IDNA' has a minimum deployment target of iOS 11.0: <>/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/IDNA.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftmodule
Which doesn't make sense, as it doesn't have a minimum target of iOS 11, and this worked just fine moments ago on Xcode 13.
Removing the import and the app compiles just fine, even targeting iOS 9.
Is this a bug?