Hello. I'm using XCode Cloud to replace an existing fastlane workflow where the end result is to post an IPA to in internal Slack channel. I've written a ci_post_xcbuildscipt.sh and it runs:
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ${CI_ARCHIVE_PATH} -exportPath ${EXPORT_PATH} -exportOptionsPlist ${EXPORT_OPTIONS} -authenticationKeyIssuerID ${AUTH_KEY_ISSUER_ID} -authenticationKeyID ${AUTH_KEY_ID} -authenticationKeyPath ${AUTH_KEY_PATH} -allowProvisioningUpdates
My problem is resigning the IPA with the environment variables set as secrets. The autenticationKeyPath expects to be a file, but I'm only able to pass strings as environment variables.
I tried passing the key as a string and in my script writing it to a file, but the result is always an empty file. I've tested locally and this idea works, so I think it's a consequence of how the environment variables are protected when marked as a secret.
Any suggestions on how I could successfully export my archive but keep the key a secret?