I’ve been trying to debug an issue where tracks in playlists created using the new MusicLibrary.shared.createPlaylist function seem to be missing their artwork. For example:
I’ve found that when I look at the track which MusicKit added in the above example, it’s not the one which I specified - it’s a different version (catalogId) of the same song. Interestingly it also seems to be marked as a library track (the track is definitely not in my library). Here is the code:
let request = MusicCatalogResourceRequest<Song>(matching: \.id, equalTo: MusicItemID("1440800296"))
let response = try await request.response()
let initialCatalogId = response.items.first?.id.rawValue ?? "?"
let playlist = try await MusicLibrary.shared.createPlaylist(name: "My Playlist", description: nil, authorDisplayName: "My App", items: response.items)
while true {
guard let entry = try? await playlist.with([.entries], preferredSource: .library).entries?.first else {
// This is just for debug purposes to work out what track actually got added:
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(entry.playParameters)
guard let root = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any] else {
let newCatalogId = root["catalogId"] as? String ?? "?"
let isLibrary = root["isLibrary"] as? Bool ?? false
print(initialCatalogId, newCatalogId, isLibrary)
// Prints: 1440800296 309186793 true
If I’m doing something wrong either when saving the playlist or retrieving the catalogId of the track which was saved please let me know: I confess I’m finding it quite hard to navigate MusicKit Swift at the moment as examples & documentation seem quite thin on the ground.
However if the above behaviour is the best I can expect then it’s a serious issue for me - the catalogId of the track I want to add, above, was carefully selected so if MusicKit is going to randomly swap this out then I can’t use it. I’ve created FB11589088 for this issue.
@JoeKun, @david-apple: I’ve raised a number of issues with MusicKit on here recently and have received no responses at all. Appreciate you guys are really busy but I think a little help here would go a long way to making MusicKit the success it deserves to be. Please let me know if I should be doing this differently.