IOUSBHost framework - IOUSBHostErrorDomain which in turn has IOServiceOpen failed

//  main.m
//  pnp
//  Created by Sharath Menon on 22/09/22.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <IOUSBHost/IOUSBHost.h>
#include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLib.h>

#ifdef __OBJC__
@class IOUSBHostDevice;
typedef IOUSBHostDevice * USBHostDevPtr;
typedef void * USBHostDevPtr;

USBHostDevPtr mUSBDevice;
dispatch_queue_t mQueue;
//boost::function<void()> mCallback;

int captureDevice(io_service_t aService)
    NSError* error = nil;

    IOUSBHostInterestHandler handler = ^void(IOUSBHostObject* hostObject, uint32_t messageType, void* _Nullable messageArgument) {
        if( messageType == kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated )
            // The callback will eventually take care of cleaning up the object
//            mCallback();
            NSLog(@"if PNP device removed");
        NSLog(@"PNP device removed");

    // Create the device with IOUSBHostObjectInitOptionsDeviceCapture to get exclusive access to the device
    IOUSBHostDevice* device = [[IOUSBHostDevice alloc] initWithIOService:aService

    if(device == NULL)
        return -1;

    mUSBDevice = device;

//    configureDevice(aService);

    return 0;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        // insert code here...
        mQueue = dispatch_queue_create("DeviceQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
        NSLog(@"Hello, World!");

        CFMutableDictionaryRef RefMatchingDict = IOServiceMatching( kIOUSBDeviceClassName );
        io_iterator_t USBDevices;
        IOServiceGetMatchingServices( kIOMasterPortDefault, RefMatchingDict, &USBDevices );
//        IOServiceGetMatchingServices( kIOMainPortDefault, RefMatchingDict, &USBDevices );

        io_object_t USBDevice;
        while ( ( USBDevice = IOIteratorNext( USBDevices ) ) )
            io_string_t strDevPath;
            IORegistryEntryGetPath( USBDevice, kIOServicePlane, strDevPath );
            IOObjectRelease( USBDevice );

        IOObjectRelease( USBDevices );
//        USBDevices = NULL;
    return 0;

Hey all, I have been seeing a weird issues while using IOUSBHost framework. Whenever i run the given sample code on M1 machine it works perfectly fine; but the same on an Intel machine is giving the below error.

The weirdest part is when i run this on catalina with xcode 11.6 (Intel machine) it works again.

My process is running as root and not sandboxed so i would not be requiring any entitlements as mentioned in the doc for using IOUSBHostObjectInitOptionsDeviceCapture. Thoughts???

 * @enum        IOUSBHostObjectInitOptions
 * @brief       Options for <code>initWithIOService:options:queue:error:interestHandler</code>
 * @constant    IOUSBHostObjectInitOptionsDeviceCapture Callers must have the "" entitlement
 *              and the IOUSBHostDevice IOService object needs to have successfully been authorized by IOServiceAuthorize().
 *              If the caller has root privelages the entitlement and authorization is not needed. Using this option
 *              will terminate all clients and drivers of the IOUSBHostDevice and associated IOUSBHostInterface clients
 *              besides the caller.
 *              Upon <code>destroy</code> of the IOUSBHostDevice, the device will be reset and drivers will be re-registered
 *              for matching. This option is only valid for macOS
typedef NS_OPTIONS (NSUInteger, IOUSBHostObjectInitOptions)
    IOUSBHostObjectInitOptionsNone          = 0,
    IOUSBHostObjectInitOptionsDeviceCapture = (1 << 0)

Update: Looks like the issue is on the Apple end. We made the following observations:

With Xcode 11.6

When we ran our sample code on this the result was success. base SDK which was getting linked is of version 10.15

With Xcode 13.2

This version has base SDK of version 12.2. Same will be the case with Xcode 12.2 using SDK version 11   Looks like SDKs above 10.15 the IOUSBHost framework is not working as expected on Intel machines

IOUSBHost framework - IOUSBHostErrorDomain which in turn has IOServiceOpen failed