Xcode Apple Watch Ultra via iPhone: Failed with HTTP status 403: forbidden

Running watchOS 9.0.1 and Xcode 14.0.1. Also running iOS 16.0.2. Trying to run my code on the new Apple Watch Ultra and this is what I get (see below). Rebooted everything. Still no go. Failed with HTTP status 403: forbidden

I am getting the same error

same error here !

Tried removing and installing Developer Mode on Apple Watch. Still no go.

I’m seeing the same issue after updating the watch. Worked fine before the update.

I have the same problem.

I created a bug report. FB11577943

I found a work-around, but it won't work with a stand-along Apple Watch app. Simply run the iOS app using Xcode and while the app is running, go into the Apple Watch and start the Apple Watch app. It worked for me. I made changes to the Apple Watch app and saw the changes on the watch when I did this.

Same problem here.

Stand-alone that is.

I have the same issue. I signed back into my account from Preferences -> Account and that was the original cause of the error. But I can't seem to find a way to tell Xcode that it should make the reattempt to download symbols now. Any idea how to delete the cache or do I just have to wait 1 - 24 hours for this to fix itself?

HumanReadableNSError: The run destination MARKS IPHONE PRO is not valid for Running the scheme 'Set Status WatchKit App'.

The device “Mark’s Apple Watch” is not available because there was an error downloading its symbols. Please see the underlying error message for more information.

IDEFoundationErrorDomain (1):


|  HumanReadableNSError: The device “Mark’s Apple Watch” is not available because there was an error downloading its symbols.
|  Please see the underlying error message for more information.
|  com.apple.platform.iphoneos (-1):
|  ==================================
|  |  HumanReadableNSError: Mark’s Apple Watch via MARKS IPHONE PRO: Failed with HTTP status 403: forbidden
|  |  
|  |  DVTACSURLSessionDelegate (1):
|  |  ==DVTDeviceErrorIsProxied: 1

I just need to know how to flush the cache for this. Is there a way to do that or do I need to delete Xcode and install it all over again?

I just started Xcode 14.1 beta 3 and I see that symbols for watchOS 9.0.1 are being downloaded. I think that's a good thing. I will test and report back.

Accepted Answer

Xcode 14.1 beta 3 with symbols for watchOS 9.0.1 fixed the issue.

Xcode Apple Watch Ultra via iPhone: Failed with HTTP status 403: forbidden