Can't click on some areas of my apps on macOS Ventura

I've seen this issue all across the internet. I cannot click on the elements of a dropdown/combobox nor the elements of a context menu on the application I have in production for my clients. See this thread on Reddit where people complain of the same exact behaviour on other apps like Microsoft Excel or Spark:

I've also seen on my modal windows that the events it receives apply to the parent window. For example a mouse over event will be triggered when my mouse is over the parent window when it should only be triggered when the mouse is over the modal window. Is there a thing Apple will fix before the official macOS Ventura release date or there is something developers should know to fix it by ourselves?

This is kinda serious. Please help. Thanks a lot.

this issue has been driving me nuts since upgrading to Ventura. Any help would be appreciated! It makes it very difficult to get anything done.

Did you figure this out? I seem to have the same issue.

Have you investigated the view hierarchy with Xcode's view debugger? This is commonly caused by views on top of the view in question 'eating' your mouse events..

Cheers, Jay

I've noticed this too. I thought it was the software I use. But then I noticed it happening in the Finder and and on the Desktop. I thought made it was hardware related so I bought a new M2 laptop. It still happens. Someone is getting sloppy over at Apple.

Can't click on some areas of my apps on macOS Ventura