I have a date column in a macOS NSTableView column in YYYY-MM-DD format and when using the code below the sort does not sort way I want. When sorting ascending. It has the year correct but the month is in reverse order. See image below. How can I fix this?
func sortInvoices(invoiceColumn: String, ascending: Bool) {
enum SortOrder {
static let Date = "invoiceDateCreated"
static let Number = "invoicenumber"
static let Customer = "invoicecustomer"
static let Status = "invoicestatus"
switch invoiceColumn {
case SortOrder.Date:
invoices.sort { (p1, p2) -> Bool in
guard let id1 = p1.invoiceDateBilled, let id2 = p2.invoiceDateBilled else { return true }
if ascending {
return id1 < id2
} else {
return id2 < id1
I changed the code to convert date to an integer and that worked for me as well changed to a different column.
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "YYYYMMdd"
dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
invoices.sort { (p1, p2) -> Bool in
let p1Date: Int? = Int(dateFormatter.string(from: p1.invoiceDateCreated!))
let p2Date: Int? = Int(dateFormatter.string(from: p2.invoiceDateCreated!))
guard let id1 = p1Date, let id2 = p2Date else { return true }
if ascending {
return id1 < id2
} else {
return id2 < id1