I am using Xcode 13.4.1 and the submitted app store version keeps crashing in iOS 9.3.5 and iOS 10+. but Adhoc builds working fine only App Store build getting crashing.
Dyld Error Message: Dyld Message: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/85C5C95A-90F7-4B4C-B84A-93B92BD967CB/Magzter6.app/Magzter6 Reason: image not found Dyld Version: 390.7
I am aware from Xcode 14 all 32-bit apps will not launch. But I am using Xcode 13.4.1 only. Kindly help me to solve this issue.
Attached crash report.
Seems that xCode 13.4.1 can not distribute for pre iOS11( this can be checked in TestFlight). Even if debug is still possible. The only workaround I found was using xCode 13.4 and doing some extra configuration :
- Build Settings / deployment / oAlways Embed Swift Libraries = Yes
- Build Settings / deployment / strip swift symbol = No
Also when uploading :
- unselect 2 first options about BitCode and Strip Swift Symbols
Tested successfully with iPhone 5 iOS 10.3.4
In the release notes of xCode it is not always easy to determine the lowest supported iOS version.
New xCode 14 suppressed iOS10 and below support : it means all non 64 bits processor devices not supported. Debug is no more possible.