In SwiftUI, how to display a [Link<Text>]
What do you mean by "displaying" the links?
(1) Is it showing them repeatedly in a row/column? (2) Or do you want the links to be interpolated in some standard text?
I would recommend using an array of a custom type that can then each be converted into a Link
view, instead of storing the actual view.
Something like this:
struct DisplayedLink {
let title: String
let url: URL
let links: [DisplayedLink] = [
Option 1:
// any suitable layout container
VStack {
ForEach(links, id: \.self) { link in
Link(link.title, destination: link.url)
Option 2:
var linksText: AttributedString {
var str = AttributedString("text comprised of the links' titles")
for link in links {
if let range = str.range(of: link.title) {
str[range].link = link.url
return str
// the linked text is coloured and tappable