Xcode 14.1 beta: How do you run the backgroundassets-debug command?

If I run "man backgroundassets-debug" I get instructions/help/comments for using the backgroundassets-debug tool to simulate the background assets download framework (which has been added back to Xcode 14.1 beta 1 after being removed from Xcode 14 beta 3)

But how do you actually run the backgroundassets-debug tool itself?

"backgroundassets-debug -h" for example results in a command not found message. I tried searching for the tool within the Xcode 14.1 package but can't see it anywhere

running "xcode-select -p" displays "/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer"

And "xcode-select -v" displays "xcode-select version 2395"

Within Xcode preferences, command line tools is set to Xcode-beta 14.1

Looks like I have to use xcrun, and update the Mac to Ventura. Going to try and update it now and see what happens

Xcode 14.1 beta: How do you run the backgroundassets-debug command?