could not determine generated file paths for core data code generation the command 1.the command's standard error was

Hello !

Has anyone here had this kind of error please? I put my file in the cloud then uploaded and then this error appeared.

I saw this on Stack but I can't apply it to my project, in fact I don't understand.

Initially it worked but I put it in Google Drive and then removed it. I took the project of a friend, modified it and it gave me this application.

The only problem is that it doesn't compile anymore, whereas before I put it in the Drive it compiled normally.

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Could not determine generated file paths for Core Data code generation: The command `(cd '/Users/gastonteku/Downloads/App Final Work/My-Book-with-Widget-and-Search' && /Users/gastonteku/Documents/ --dry-run --action generate --swift-version 5.0 --sdkroot /Users/gastonteku/Documents/ --iphonesimulator-deployment-target 14.0 --module Sur_les_Ailes_de_la_Foi '/Users/gastonteku/Downloads/App Final Work/My-Book-with-Widget-and-Search/MyBookDataModel.xcdatamodeld' '/Users/gastonteku/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Sur_les_Ailes_de_la_Foi-ebjletqfnvziddcmkhqszjlfsyep/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Sur les Ailes de la les Ailes de la')` exited with status 1. The command's output was:

/Users/gastonteku/Downloads/App Final Work/My-Book-with-Widget-and-Search/MyBookDataModel.xcdatamodeld:: error: Could not fetch generated file paths: Error, failed to read Core Data data model from /Users/gastonteku/Downloads/App Final Work/My-Book-with-Widget-and-Search/MyBookDataModel.xcdatamodeld/MyBookDataModel.xcdatamodel: unknown model format [0]

that's my error code
could not determine generated file paths for core data code generation the command 1.the command's standard error was