Debugger crashes if breakpoint set in @objc func triggered by Notification

My BalanceManager object is called at app startup and after it fetches some data, it posts a notification. In the @objc implementation of the SplashScreenVC observer I am setting a breakpoint. The debugger crashes with the following log:

Message from debugger: The LLDB RPC server has crashed. You may need to manually terminate your process. The crash log is located in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports and has a prefix 'lldb-rpc-server'. Please file a bug and attach the most recent crash log.

I am using this SplashScreenVC that listens for this notification to fetch data, load some user defaults etc. The data fetch runs without problem and I don't have this kind of debugging problem in other views in my program. The debugger crashes only in this particular ViewController which is also my main program entry point

Any ideas why this thing happens?

override func viewDidLoad() {
     NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(balancesDidUpdate), name: .balancesUpdated, object: BalanceManager.shared)
    //Fetch data
    Task { await BalanceManager.shared.fetchData() }
   @objc func balancesDidUpdate(_ notification: Notification) {
    print("balancesDidUpdate in SplashScreenVC via notification")
     //more code here
Debugger crashes if breakpoint set in @objc func triggered by Notification