chartYScale crashes with MTLTExtureDescriptor issue

I'm trying to create a Line Mark with stock data from api. Just using the data will show the chart correctly but I need the Y axis range to not start from 0 but from the minimum value I give it.

So I basically call something like this:

.chartYScale(domain: viewmodel.range.0...viewmodel.range.1)

And these are the range value we are working with: Range (19076.715, 19089.549)

doing this basically crash the app with:

-[MTLTextureDescriptorInternal validateWithDevice:]:1344: failed assertion `Texture Descriptor Validation MTLTextureDescriptor has height (16811) greater than the maximum allowed size of 8192.

what am I doing wrong?

I’ve noticed this issue as well when I modify the chartXScale range using @States

I have the same issue when updating the ChartXScale and ChartYScale

This one is the only solution that I could ever found;

This issue comes up if range is scaled too big. I was using like 100…2000, then I reduced it like 100…500 and it works like expected. My chart is not looks great but at least it works.

Yep same issue, but in my case the range being set is from 0...1.

chartYScale crashes with MTLTExtureDescriptor issue