I want to write the script which counts folders in catalog, create new catalog with number +1, create subfolder with date and name which I provide in form.
tell application "Finder"
set myCount to 6801 + (count (folders of folder "OZ" of disk "_NEW"))
make new folder at folder "OZ" of disk "_NEW" with properties {name:"temp"}
tell application "Finder" to open "_NEW:OZ:temp"
set name of folder "temp" of folder "OZ" of disk "_NEW" to myCount
set myName to text returned of (display dialog "Name:" default answer "Name")
set myTime to (do shell script "date +\"%D\"")
make new folder at folder "myCount" of folder "OZ" of disk "_NEW" with properties {name:"temp2"}
set name of folder "temp2" of folder "myCount" of folder "OZ" of disk "_NEW" to myTime
end tell
make new folder at folder „myCount" of folder "OZ" of disk „_NEW" with properties {name:”temp2"}
Whene I add aquote it not a varible anymore.