Not working https call on Capacitor Nuxtjs App using axios under Xcode 13.4.1 on Monterey 12.5.1

Hi. I have one issue on my ios app. (connecting carers) All login and signup work on android and web app correctly well. And firebase login by email, google and apple work correctly well on ios app. But signup by email, google and apple doesn't work only on ios app First it creates new account from firebase. It works well. After that, when the user add new account in wordpress database, it calls wp api endpoints by https methods(get, post) using axios to create new account in wordpress database. But when we create new account in wp database via wp api by https call on ios app, it doesn't work only on ios app It works on web and android app well.

I attached the screenshots here.

Could you tell me what is the issue and why happended it? How can I fix the issue so that it can call the https by axios on ios app?

Not working https call on Capacitor Nuxtjs App using axios under Xcode 13.4.1 on Monterey 12.5.1