PassbookUIService crash on Xcode 14 beta 6 causes StoreKit failure

I am running a very simple UI test on Xcode 14 beta 6 that sets up a StoreKit testing session and then attempts to bring up a purchase dialog. Unfortunately, PassbookUIService is crashing and thereby causing the purchase to be canceled. Here is the crash report:

For context, the UI test is very simple:

func testExample() throws {
	_ = self.expectation(description: "Never fulfilled")

	let session = try SKTestSession(configurationFileNamed: "CatsAndLlamas.storekit")


	session.disableDialogs = false

	let app = XCUIApplication()


	let tablesQuery = app.tables
	tablesQuery.staticTexts["Buy Product"].tap()
	tablesQuery.cells.containing(.staticText, identifier:"Silver Llama").staticTexts["Subscribe"].tap()

	waitForExpectations(timeout: 30)

On an iOS 15.5 simulator device, the UI test works as expected.

However, on an iOS 16 simulator device, the UI test behaves as if the purchase request were canceled before the dialog is even displayed.

This is when PassbookUIService crashes. I believe this crash is causing StoreKit (or StoreKitTest) to consider the purchase canceled.

(I have screenshots of the behavior but I’ve not been able to successfully include them in this post for some reason.)

This is the screenshot for iOS 15.5:

This is the screenshot for iOS 16:

Hi, thank you for all of the information. That's certainly not the expected behavior, could you file a feedback report and follow up in this thread to help track further investigation? If possible, please provide the crash log you've attached here and a sysdiagnose from the simulator. To get a sysdiagnose from the simulator run xcrun simctl diagnose in your terminal while your simulator is booted and after reproducing the bug.

I have filed a feedback report here: – thanks for looking into this!

Are there any updates? I still can't call out the IAP panel in the simulator in the Xcode 14 Release.

I have the same problem with Xcode Version 14.0 (14A309). Basically at the moment we can't test In-App Purchase with the simulator.

Same issue here, target iOS 16.0 using macOS 13.0, Xcode 14.0.1 (14A400), Intel iMac

Same here. I am just trying to run the sample code as provided by apple Implementing a store in your app using the StoreKit API

It crashes on the simulator but works fine on a real device. Here is the exact error I get:

MacOS 13.0 (22A380) - Xcode Version 14.0.1 (14A400) - iOS 16.0 Simulator.

Same issue with Xcode 15.4 when testing on iOS 16 Simulator, iOS 17 Simulator works fine

PassbookUIService crash on Xcode 14 beta 6 causes StoreKit failure