[CarPlay] CarPlay Simulator with external accessories

Hi all,

I am trying to use the new CarPlay Simulator (the one provided with the Xcode Additional Tools) to test an application that uses a protocol string. My question is: is there a way to edit this protocol string on this application? Because as of right now, my app is not shown in the CarPlay Simulator, as it does not have the required protocol string.

I've used the Xcode simulator, and protocol strings can be added using:

defaults write com.apple.iphonesimulator CarPlayProtocols -array-add <protocol-string>

But I've not found a way to do this on the standalone application.

Thank you all in advance

Assuming you are building an automaker app, specify the protocol in the entitlement file under "com.apple.developer.carplay-protocols", then in CarPlay Simulator, goto Configuration -> Automaker Apps and specify the same protocol string

[CarPlay] CarPlay Simulator with external accessories