What does this TSAN exception indicate?

When I run my code with TSAN enabled I am getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception thrown.

I am seeing the following error in debug navigator:

#0 0x0000000104becb44 in __tsan::ThreadClock::release(__tsan::DenseSlabAllocCache*, __tsan::SyncClock*) ()

The stack trace is not in my code.

Without TSAN I am seeing the following in the console:

(Fig) signalled err=-16993

Anybody seen this before?

This is under the new Beta 6 Xcode running under Ventura 13.0 Beta (22A5331f), on an M1 Mac.

Same here, sometimes re-running avoids the issue: https://buildkite.com/swiftlint/swiftlint/builds/4851#018587e1-3350-494d-8dba-9d381e523c98

What does this TSAN exception indicate?