How to go back to a prior version of Xcode? Version 13.4.1 won't work with iPhone iOS 15.6

So I've found out from other posts that Xcode 13.4.1 won't debug apps on iPhones with iOS 15.6.

The solution everyone that everyone seems to agree on is to go back to Xcode 13.3.1.

While I am downloading the xip file for that version, I want to check first on how to install the older version? I don't need to mess things up any worse than they are now.

Yes you can. Just download an older version and change its name such as Xcode 13.2.1

Download here:

But I'm not sure it will work better. Did you try 14ß ?

How do actually install the older version in question to the Application folder?

How to go back to a prior version of Xcode? Version 13.4.1 won't work with iPhone iOS 15.6