Bug Reporting: How and Why?

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I file a lot of bug reports. I also ask a lot of third-party developers to file bug reports about problems they see. This post is my attempt at collecting together some hints and tips about Apple’s bug reporting process.

To file a bug report, use Feedback Assistant.

To file an enhancement request, use Feedback Assistant. In the “What type of issue are you reporting?” popup, choose Suggestion.

If you’re filing a bug against an API, choose Developer Technologies & SDKs at the top level. The technologies popup should then list familiar items, from Accelerate Framework to XPC. If you can’t find the correct item, select “Something else not on this list”.

Feedback Assistant is both a website and an app. For details on how to access the app, see Opening the app on the Developer > Bug Reporting page.

For lots of great hints and tips about filing bugs, see File effective bug reports. I may repeat some of the info covered by that article, but only where I think it’s particularly important.

After filing a bug report, please include the bug number in your DevForums post. Feedback Assistant shows the bug number in both the bug list and the bug detail view. Bug numbers start with FB and continue with a sequence of digits. For example, a recent bug report posted here on DevForums was FB11357055.

Including the FB prefix avoids any confusion as to what type of bug number this is. Occasionally you’ll see other types of bug numbers. In release notes they are just in parens, so (99071807), and in DTS documents they have an r. prefix, so (r. 99071807). These are Radar numbers. Radar is the internal bug system here at Apple.

Other developers can’t see your bug report. However, posting the bug number is still important for a couple of reasons:

  • It allows Apple folks to quickly track down your issue.

  • If another developer wants to file a related bug, they can reference your bug number in their bug report.

You can share bug reports with other members of your team. For details on how to do that, see Collaborating with your team on the Developer > Bug Reporting page.

Otherwise you can’t see a bug report filed by another developer, or one filed internally at Apple. One option here is to file your own bug and request that it be marked as a duplicate of the original bug. You’ll then be notified when the original bug is closed.

The File effective bug reports article discusses the importance of including a sysdiagnose log with your bug report. I have a few additional tips:

  • Include a sysdiagnose log from the machine that’s having the problem. Sometimes I see folks with an iOS problem include a sysdiagnose log for their development Mac )-:

  • Include a sysdiagnose log even if you attach a test project that reproduces the problem. The contents of the log help with screening, making sure that your bug gets to the right person quickly. And that person will be very grateful to have your test project!

  • If multiple machines are involved — for example, you’re reporting a Handoff problem — include a sysdiagnose log from each machine.

  • Trigger the sysdiagnose log as soon as possible after you see the problem. The sooner you trigger the log, the more likely it is to capture relevant info.

  • If the problem is hard to reproduce, see Using a Sysdiagnose Log to Debug a Hard-to-Reproduce Problem for hints on how to capture an actionable sysdiagnose log.

  • If you install a debug profile, install it before you reproduce the problem. These profiles typically enable more logging, and you want that logging to be active at the time of the problem.

  • Most profiles activate immediately but some require that you restart. Follow the instructions that came with the profile.

  • When reproducing the problem, make a rough note of the time and include that in your bug report. This doesn’t have to be super precise. Just note down the time, with seconds, shortly after you reproduce the problem.

  • If the bug involves a crash, reproduce the crash outside of Xcode and then take your sysdiagnose log. This means running your code as the user would, so running an app from the Finder on macOS, running an app from the Home screen on iOS, and so on. If you reproduce the crash inside Xcode, the Xcode debugger catches the crash and prevents the system from generating a crash report to include in the sysdiagnose log.

  • File focused bug reports. Imagine you’re seeing two problems, A and B, related to the same API. Don’t file a single bug that covers both A and B. Rather, file separate bugs for A and B. Feel free to reference your A bug in your B bug, and vice versa.

Finally, some personal notes:

  • DevForums is not an official support channel. Mentioning a problem here is not the same as filing a bug about it. That’s true even if you’re discussing your issue with an Apple person. Apple is a big company, and it’s very unlikely that the person you’re talking to is directly responsible for fixing your bug.

  • Historically I used to post a lot of Radar links, of the forms rdar:nnn, where nnn includes the bug number. I no longer use these links because I’ve found that they confuses folks. They click the link and wonder why it does nothing.

  • If you post an FB number here, DevForums automatically turns it into a link. However, that link is only useful to you. Other folks can’t access the bug via that link. I’ve filed a bug against DevForums requesting that it only generate this link for the bug’s originator (r. 92946014). In the meantime, I work around this by putting FB numbers in code style, which disables this link generation.

  • If you want to share bug information outside of DevForums, one popular option is Open Radar (https://openradar.appspot.com/).

  • Apple uses a lot of open source and many open source projects maintain their own bug tracker. Two big examples are Swift and WebKit. If your bug originates in such an open source project, consider filing it in the project’s bug tracker. You can then go on to submit a pull request with the fix (-:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

Revision History

  • 2024-03-07 Made minor editorial changes.

  • 2023-10-26 Added a link to Using a Sysdiagnose Log to Debug a Hard-to-Reproduce Problem. Added a recommendation to file focused bug reports.

  • 2023-06-28 Updated the advice on how to file an API-level bug based on recent changes to Feedback Assistant. Corrected some link titles.

  • 2023-03-21 Added a bunch of bullets to the personal notes section.

  • 2023-03-13 Extended the discussion of seeing other folks’ bugs to make it clear that you can’t see bugs filed internally at Apple.

  • 2022-12-13 Added advice about the “Something else not on this list” option.

  • 2022-09-01 Added a personal notes section at the end. Added a new bullet in the sysdiagnose section about running your app outside of Xcode. Made other minor editorial changes.

  • 2022-08-29 Added a note about filing duplicate bugs.

  • 2022-08-24 First posted.

Bug Reporting: How and Why?