Cannot get Nintendo Switch Joycon accelerator motion data in iOS 16

Now I am using iOS 16 beta 6, I can get buttonA/buttonB is pressed event. but cannot get accelerator motion data info.

    buttonA?.valueChangedHandler = {(_ button: GCControllerButtonInput, _ value: Float, _ pressed: Bool) -> Void in
      print(">>> ButtonA tapped")
    buttonB?.valueChangedHandler = {(_ button: GCControllerButtonInput, _ value: Float, _ pressed: Bool) -> Void in
      print(">>> ButtonB tapped")
    // this is not works
    gameController.motion?.valueChangedHandler = { (motion: GCMotion)->() in
      print(">>>> motion data \(motion.acceleration.x) \(motion.acceleration.y) \(motion.acceleration.z)")
      if let delegate = self.motionDelegate {
        delegate.motionUpdate(motion: motion)

Is there any plan to support this?

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 724065022

Hi haozes

At this time the GameController framework reports motion data from a Pro Controller, but not from Joy-Cons.  Thank you for your feedback report. We are tracking this enhancement request.

Accepted Answer

Hi haozes

At this time the GameController framework reports motion data from a Pro Controller, but not from Joy-Cons.  Thank you for your feedback report. We are tracking this enhancement request.

Hi Apple team,

Has there been any updates on adding motion data support per JoyCon? I'm currently building a strength training fitness app that utilises the Vitruvian Trainer and would love to combine JoyCons with our experience as they provide a widely available motion controller. Thanks in advance for your support

Any updates? I am also very interested in using motion from joycons. I would love to puppet characters with them... and of course there's many other possible uses. Thank you!

Does anyone know if this got actually implemented on iOS 18? I'm so surprised but this behavior (at least document it somewhere about this limitation) as well and most likely shelf the idea or support only other platforms

Cannot get Nintendo Switch Joycon accelerator motion data in iOS 16