Xcode 13.4.1 simulator with iCloud

iCloud Drive doesn't appear to work at all for me in the iOS 15.5 Simulator. As near as I can tell, it should. I've signed into my account in settings->Apple ID, iCloud, iTunes & App Store (and signed out/in several times). I've gone into iCloud settings and turned on/off/on/etc iCloud Drive and same for the app I'm developing. I've tried it on two different macs with the same results.

When I use the Files app on the Simulator, it shows 0 items, 33.13 GB available. The 0 is wron but the 33.13 TB available is right so it's getting some of the info from iCloud Drive.

CloudKit also not work

this a screen shot of what happened

I cannot sync iCloud documents using NSMetadataQuery on Simulator (iOS 15.5) with Xcode 13.4.1 - it only returns 1 item in results (on real iOS device, this works fine).

Xcode 13.4.1 simulator with iCloud