SwiftUI localized enums in picker?

Hi all, I have a picker populated by an enum... works just fine. Problem is when I try to localize my app, I get a compiler error in my picker that says "Instance method 'tag' requires that 'LocalizedStringKey' conform to 'Hashable'". I don't understand what this means. Here is my code:

localizable string file (excerpt)


"additionOnly" = "Addition Only"; "subtractionOnly" = "Subtraction Only"; "both" = "Both Addition and Subtraction";

// in VM:

  enum MathMode: String, Hashable, CaseIterable {
    case additionOnly = "additionOnly"
    case subtractionOnly = "subtractionOnly"
    case bothAdditionAndSubtraction = "both"
    var localizedName: LocalizedStringKey { LocalizedStringKey(rawValue) }

   @Published var selectedMode: String = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "mathMode") ?? "Addition Only" {
    didSet {
      UserDefaults.standard.set(self.selectedMode, forKey: "mathMode")
      print("portrait mode did set: \(selectedMode)")

//in View:

Menu {
            Picker(selection: $settingsViewViewModel.selectedMode) {
              ForEach(SettingsViewViewModel.MathMode.allCases, id: \.self) { mathMode in
                  .tag(mathMode.localizedName) //***
            } label: {}
          } label: {

*** this is the problem. if I use mathMode.rawValue... the code compiles, but in the picker I'm seeing "additionOnly" as my choice, rather than the value from the string file. If there's a better way to write all this, great, happy to change. Also, if I do away with the .tag altogether it still doesn't work. Thanks for your help.

Oh I figured it out. It's not the .tag I have to change, it's the label! Changing to Text(settingsViewViewModel.selectedMode.localizedName) fixes the problem. Thanks

SwiftUI localized enums in picker?