iCloud Drive freezes my project

After I update my cocoapods for a project, it locks up and I can't touch it for 1hour +.

I made the massive mistake of letting macOS manage my Documents and Desktop and now they're both on iCloud Drive. It seems like I can't touch the project until iCloud Drive finishes uploading?!?!!

I tried copying and pasting to a local folder but I let it run all night and it never copied.

Anyone else have this issue? Any workaround?

I'm having the same issue. Anytime iCloud is syncing my Xcode projects they will lock the app up if you try to open. If I copy and paste to a folder not managed by iCloud Drive, everything works fine. I assume this has something to do with getting a lock to read the file. It's strange because everything else works with files being synced except Xcode.

This is A SHAME FROM APPLE ! It took 5 years to put COPY/PASTE on the iPhone ... Will it take 5 years to add a NO DELETE FROM THE MAC menu on the folders ????

iCloud Drive freezes my project