Type Properties in Extensions

I am new to Swift, and I have been following a tutorial on Creating a Card View. In Section 2, step 3, it directs the user to add an extension to the DailyScrum struct:

struct DailyScrum {
  var title: String
  var attendees: [String]
  var lengthInMinutes: Int
  var theme: Theme

extension DailyScrum {
  static let sampleData: [DailyScrum] =

From my understanding, the constant sampleData is a stored type property, yet I read that extensions can only add computed type properties. Can someone help me understand what sampleData is, and why it can be used in an extension?

sampleData is an array of DailyScrum.
It is a "let" constant, it cannot be changed.

It is a computed property... it is computed at compile time.

sampleData is not an instance property but a type property. That's why you can use it.

A computed property would be

var sampleData: [DailyScrum] {  [
  ] }

The reason is explained here: https://www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/7trzca/whats_the_reasoning_for_extensions_may_not/

Type Properties in Extensions