Offline ability to understand texture alignment requirements?

We are trying to develop an offline tool for creating sets of textures on the Mac for iOS, but mirroring our existing stuff for other platforms. One thing we ran into is that our current stuff stores the alignments as part of the texture set data, but it appears like there is not way to, say, ask Metal to give us the texture alignment on a given family of iOS GPU without actually running on that hardware. Does that seem like an accurate assessment?

I feel like we will probably need to rejigger our stuff to instead query the alignment after we have created the MTLTextureDescriptor objects (currently it happens in the opposite order).

Or maybe it's fairly straight-forward to just understand all of the alignment restrictions that we can expect on iOS to begin with? Since these are offline texture assets they will mostly just be a combination of 2D static textures, although there will probably be some cubemaps and 3D textures.

Offline ability to understand texture alignment requirements?